Are You Also Eating Carbs and Fat Before a Workout?? Must Read

Carbs and Fat Before a Workou

It is a well-known fact that staying healthy is a tough job now because of the amount of pollutant present in the atmosphere and adulteration in everything available. people who work out in the gym should take a healthy diet to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to have a smoothie or anything that work as a supplementary drink within 30 minutes after a workout so the muscles can get the nutrients they need to recover.

Your body needs carbs to exert energy to attain better training. It is advisable to Eat a nutritious snack about 45 minutes before hitting the gym and this quick meal should include carbs along with proteins and healthy fat.

Studies say that a diet comprised of 85 percent fat can help in improving overall performance for ultra-endurance. There is another of information that most of the people who are associated with working out misconstrue which is needed to be clarified. When we say “fat” we mean the good kind fat which includes – avocados, nuts and fish, and not junk food and desserts.

Eating traditional fat or fatty food is discouraged to be consumed pre-workout session as fatty food takes more time to get digested and thus it will not pass through the system to provide energy during the workout. Another adverse effect that consuming fast food can lead to is that as fatty eatables are heavier on the gut it can also trigger digestive distress and create feelings of sluggishness.

Consuming modest servings of healthy fat are OK before work out. A tablespoon of peanut butter on a whole-wheat bagel or whole-grain cereal with a sprinkling of dry fruits are considered as best foods. Avoid saturated fat-laden food and try eating a light portion of healthy food.

There is a way in which carbs should be eaten. Amount of carbs eaten in a day depends on several factors including body size, activity level, genetics and fitness goals. Talk to your gym instructor and incorporate the diet with the number of carbs and fats he suggests.