Don’t Miss Out These 5 Diet-Related Health Issues

Diet-Related Health Issues

A good and healthy living not only makes you feel good, but it can keep many diseases at bay. Proper diet is an essential part of living a healthy life. All nutrients are equally important for our body. As every day our immune system fights with many external and internal factors that can cause variant diseases. It is evident that nowadays people are falling prey to diet-related health issues that generally fall under the category of “lifestyle diseases”. Few of them are:

  • Diabetes

Although there are some uncontrollable factors that can cause diabetes but still it is a preventable disease with a healthy lifestyle. Obesity, high blood pressure, and increased cholesterol are strong risk factors that contribute towards causing diabetes. Good nutri-rich balanced diet is one of the best ways to keep blood sugar levels in check. A well-balanced diet includes whole grain foods, fresh fruits and vegetables. Every other person is diagnosed with pre-diabetes and, inculcating good nutritious diet and regular exercise sessions can prevent pre-diabetes from progressing into type 2 diabetes.


  • Anemia

Anemia occurs when red blood cells fail to carry enough oxygen to body’s cells. Fatigue, sensitivity to cold temperatures, headache, and a fast, irregular heartbeat are few symptoms of anemia. Iron deficiency is one the various other causes of anemia. The body requires iron to make hemoglobin and to transport oxygen throughout the body. Anemia can also be caused by a lack of vitamin B12, which your body needs to make red blood cells. If you are anemic then doctors would suggest you to include whole grains and animal products in your diet.


  • Rickets

Rickets is a serious health condition that is often responsible for bone-softening due to lack of vitamin D. The body gets vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, or through meat and fish oils in the diet. For stronger bones calcium needs to interact with vitamin D. Rickets consequently causes muscle weakness, a curved spine, projected breastbone and bow legs. Consumption of milk, eggs, meat, and fish is extremely important to prevent and fight off rickets. However, those on a vegetarian or vegan diet should be aware of the importance of vitamin D for bone health.


  • Scurvy

When body faces a deficiency of vitamin C, chances of suffering from the scurvy increase. Also known as the “grey death”, scurvy causes tooth loss, painful joints and weakness, halitosis and skin problems. The body is not capable of making vitamin C, so make sure to incorporate vitamin c rich products in your diet that includes citrus fruits, vegetables or vitamin C supplements.


  • Obesity

Many people don’t consider obesity as a disease. Although, obesity is one the deadliest diseases which is a mother of all other health issues. Consuming energy-dense food that is high in sugar and saturated fat leads to obesity. Eat healthily and follow exercise that helps in reducing fat.
