Include These Magic Foods in Your Diet for Diabetics

If you are at the risk of diabetic’s complications such as heart diseases, it is important that you eat extra power healthy foods that meets your nutritional needs. These meals when incorporated in the Diet for diabetics, will help improve your overall health. This will keep your blood sugar levels well controlled.

  • Oatmeal

Oats are slower to digest than processed carbs but are very rich in soluble fiber. It’s low in calories and full of fiber. It is a great food for people who are trying to control their weight and blood sugar levels because it is a good source of carbs and fiber. Try and avoid using prepackaged or instant oatmeal with added sweeteners already available in the market.


  • Bananas

Foods such as bananas, potatoes, grains and legumes, may benefit your health by aiding blood sugar control, supporting gut health and enhancing satiety. Bananas are a form of starch which cannot be digested in the small intestine. It is considered a type of dietary fiber.


  • Amla

A fruit from the Indian gooseberry tree which is a traditional home remedy to control high blood sugar levels. Being a great ingredient, it has a type of mineral called chromium which increases the regulation of carbohydrates and increases metabolism. Thus, aids in making your body more responsive to insulin.


  • Fenugreek seeds

Consuming a teaspoon of turmeric powder with fenugreek seeds and amla powder in equivalent amount with warm water at least thrice a day can help in controlling high blood sugar levels. You could consume one to two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds soaked in water every morning but those who are on insulin therapy should consult their doctor first.

Fenugreek seeds

  • Bitter gourd (Karela)

Bitter gourd contains an insulin-like compound called P-insulin. This compound has been proven to show positive results in controlling diabetes naturally. The results have been shown that consumption of bitter gourd tends to increase the uptake of glucose and improves glycemic control.

Bitter gourd (Karela)

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