Ultimate Facts About Cholesterol That May Leave You Surprised

Facts About Cholesterol

Nearly every one of us has heard about cholesterol and all of us have misconstrued this fact that cholesterol is always bad for health. Often, it is only talked about in terms of the dangers of having too much of it, a condition is known as hypercholesterolemia. But on the contrary, it is a natural vital substance that can be extremely beneficial too. Here are some facts that may surprise your cholesterol.

  • Cholesterol performs Important functions

Cholesterol in excess can be extremely hazardous to health, but on the other hand, it performs some essential functions in the body. It helps in forming the outer layer of the cells. Helps in formation of bile acids that aids in the digestion of the food. And the third most important function is, that it lets the body to make Vitamin D and hormones, like estrogen in women and testosterone in men.

  • All the Cholesterol in the Body Doesn’t Come from Diet

The body produces all the cholesterol required by itself without relying on external sources. As a matter of fact, if someone eats a diet that contains zero cholesterol, the body would still make approximately 1,000 mg it needs for digestion, cell development and vitamin and hormone production. Although all cells can make cholesterol, but the liver is an organ that can produce and export cholesterol the along with metabolizing excess cholesterol and recycle it.

  •  Not All Cholesterol is harmful

There are two different types of cholesterol, Low-density lipoproteins, and high-density lipoproteins. Too much LDL in bloodstream results in deposition of excess cholesterol in the arteries, which can further cause heart disease.

  • High Cholesterol Can Be Inherited

Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a condition in which an individual inherits abnormal chromosomes from their parents. It makes people more prone to premature heart disease caused by narrowing of the arteries and plaques.

  • High Cholesterol Can Have an Effect Even Before Birth

If parents have FH, their childrenare more likely to the disease and are at greater risk of having FH. This condition can further lead to severe heart disease. If both parents have Familial Hypercholesterolemia, each child will have a 50 percent chance of inheriting one FH gene and a 25 percent chance of inheriting two FH genes. Which aggravates narrowing and then blocking of the blood vessels very rapidly, if not treated in time.

  • Hereditary High Cholesterol is common and can be treated

In families with a pattern of early heart disease or high cholesterol, children at a very younger age are at the risk of such chronic diseases. Many medications & lipid-lowering therapies have come into existence to treat Familial Hypercholesterolemia. Appropriate treatment can decrease the risk of early heart disease associated with inherited hypercholesterolemia.