Combat Brittle Nails Gently at Home

Brittle Nails

Although there are a lot of reasons why nails can become brittle but most prominent reason for brittle nails among women is lack of estrogen. Women undergoing pre-menopause or post-menopause may have brittle nails due to estrogen deficiency. When estrogen levels fall, the body becomes dehydrated, which adversely affects the condition of hair and nails. When water content in nails fall they become highly vulnerable to splitting and breaking. Other possible causes for brittle nails include stress, thyroid disorders, and poor diet.

Here Are Few Simple Remedies to Restore Your Nails’ Health Over Time

  • White vinegar

Rubbing white vinegar on damaged nails revive them or, take half cup warm olive oil & dissolve a capsule of vitamin E into. Let it cool and massage nails and hands with it.

White vinegar

  • Pamper your nails

Never use any nail paint remover more than once a week and make sure it doesn’t contain acetone. Use an emery board to file your nails instead of a metal nail file and apply a layer of nail paint.

Pamper your nails

  •  Enhance your diet

Nutritional food that is rich in vitamin C, protein, folic acid, and calcium provides nourishment to the body. omega-3 fatty acids and calcium keep nails strong and prevent breaking. Vitamin E in vegetables improves nail appearance. Drink lots of water to ward off dehydration.

 Enhance your diet

  •  Wear gloves

While doing household chores such as cleaning, washing dishes wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from the harsh chemicals found in cleaning products. Make sure to wash your hands and apply lotion regularly.

Wear gloves

  •  Don’t miss manicure and pedicure sessions

Manicure and pedicure sessions are extremely necessary because these services provide proper nail treatment. The professionals at the salon will make sure that all the dead and damaged skin or extra cuticle that has grown are removed properly giving you healthy and germ-free hand and nails.

Don’t miss manicure and pedicure sessions